Why You Should Say Yes To Sealants For Your Child
When it comes to child dental care, parents will want to consider having sealants applied to their child's molars as soon as they make their appearance. Sealants work to coat the molars, which prevents bacteria and food particles from getting in the grooves of the teeth and causing cavities. Below are a few reasons why you'll want to work sealants into your little one's dental plan.
It's Covered by Insurance
Although adults who require sealants typically have to pay out of pocket, children's sealants are covered under most insurance plans. In addition to this, your child will experience less cavities, which means a reduction in future trips to the dentist. You'll save on taking time off from work, as well as any co-pays associated with your medical plan.
It Won't Hurt Your Child
There is no pain associated with the installation of sealants. According to the American Dental Association, sealants are simply painted on over the molars. They bond with the teeth and then hardens after a special light is held over the liquid sealants for a few seconds. The entire process takes just a few minutes per tooth, which is great news for children who have trouble sitting still for long periods of time.
They Last a Long Time
The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) reports that sealants tend to last between five and 10 years before needing to be replaced. When parents restrict their children from consuming sticky foods, such as chewing gum and gummy bears, they help the sealants stay intact even longer. The dentist will check the sealants to ensure they are still in great shape at each routine check-up. If they need to be reapplied, the doctor can do it right then, as the procedure is quick and requires no preparation on the child's part.
They Take Affect Immediately
As soon as the sealants harden under the dentist's light, children are free to eat and drink normally. That means the entire family can go out to lunch afterward and enjoy a meal. Other than saying away from the sticky foods as mentioned above, there are no other restrictions.
If your child is nervous about the procedure, schedule a chat with the dentist. He or she can explain how sealants are applied step-by-step using a set of model teeth. It is also possible to arrange to use gas to help the child to relax, should the child still feel afraid after the talk.
For more information, contact a company like Brit E. Bowers, DDS.