4 FAQs Regarding Invisible Braces
.More and more adults are getting straighter teeth without the embarrassment of metal thanks to invisible braces. Instead of using wires and brackets, these braces use plastic aligners to move your teeth, and they look completely invisible. If you are considering invisible braces, check out these four frequently asked questions.
1. How Much Do They Cost?
You may assume invisible braces are a lot more than traditional braces because they are invisible, but that isn't quite true. Invisible braces are more expensive but not by much. Traditional braces tend to cost around $4,937, but Invisalign invisible braces cost $5,600. If you have orthodontia coverage with your insurance carrier, they may also cover some of the cost of Invisalign.
2. Are They Comfortable?
The wires and brackets in traditional braces make them uncomfortable. Many people experience poking and cutting of the gums or tongue. Plus, the tightening is more dramatic, making each transition a little more painful than Invisalign. Invisalign moves teeth slower, so each time you move to a new aligner, you feel some discomfort but not as much with metal braces. Invisible aligners are smooth plastic, so you feel no discomfort.
3. How Effective Are They?
Invisible braces aren't the best choice for everyone. If you have severely crooked teeth, including rotated teeth or severely overcrowded teeth, you may need traditional braces to get the smile you want. Invisalign is best for mild to moderate issues. Also, Invisalign cannot correct incorrect bites, such as an overbite. As with traditional braces, you will likely need to wear a retainer at night for the rest of your life to keep the results.
4. Are They Removable?
Invisalign aligners are removable, which can be good and bad. On the one hand, it allows you to remove them while you eat and clean your teeth, which means your teeth stay cleaner during treatment. On the other hand, removing your aligners too often will hinder treatment. If you don't wear your aligners for at least 20 hours a day, your teeth may move back to their original positions, not move at all or increase treatment time. Therefore, if you are unable to resist removing the aligners frequently, you're only wasting time and money so that traditional braces may be best.
Just because you didn't get straight teeth when you were a teen, it doesn't mean you can't get them now, and you don't have to have a metal mouth. Invisible braces come with many benefits, but if you remove them too often, they won't work. For more information, contact an orthodontics office like Orthodontic Smilemaker.