The Purposes Of Dental Crowns And How They Differ From Veneers

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Dental crowns have never been considered a cosmetic thing. They have always been a necessary, tooth-saving procedure. This is very different from veneers, which also cover your teeth. Yet, veneers are cosmetic. So, what makes these two teeth-covering procedures so different? It has a lot to do with purpose; crowns have purposes, while veneers do not have the same purposes. 

Dental Crowns Save a Severely Damaged Teeth 

When you go to the dentist because you need a crown, it is because you have a severely damaged tooth that will die completely if your dentist does not intervene. The tooth is still alive, but it is broken or has a very large cavity. Your dentist can save this tooth by grinding away the damaged areas and placing a well-fitted crown over the top of what is left of the tooth. 

Dental Crowns Prevent Total Tooth Loss

A dental crown protects the living tooth, holds it together, and holds it in place indefinitely. Without the crown, the tooth would die, rot, and fall out of your mouth, leaving a gaping hole. Worse still, your other teeth could shift around in your mouth, trying to fill that empty space, while the hole could become severely infected. If the hole in your mouth were to become infected, it could have a very negative impact on the teeth on either side of it. In turn, you could lose more teeth, either because of the shifting, or because of the raging infections. 

Dental Crowns Ensure the Continued Health of Your Mouth

Crowning a tooth is akin to giving your mouth a second chance at better oral health. You can take better care of your teeth going forward. The crown serves as a reminder for what could happen if you do not.

Veneers, on the Other Hand

Veneers can make your teeth look pretty. They cover only the front sides of your teeth, like a glowing white veneer painted on a yellowed tabletop. Yes, they look nice, but they will not protect your teeth. They are not a restorative procedure, nor can they prevent dental, oral, and tooth issues.

Additionally, crowns are covered (to some extent) by insurance. Veneers are not. Crowns are unaffected by biting and chewing, whereas your dentist will warn you against biting and tearing chip bags with your veneers. If you grind your teeth, porcelain crowns will protect the teeth from cracking, chipping and breaking. If you grind your teeth with veneers, you can expect to lose one or two in a short time.
