5 Things To Do The Day Before Your Dental Implant Surgery
While having dental implants placed may be a quick and minor procedure for some patients, it is still important to prepare yourself for the event and your recovery. Here are a few things you can do the day before your surgery to make your life easier the day of the procedure.
Prepare Some Implant-Friendly Meals
For the first few days after having an implant placed, you may want to restrict your diet to soft foods such as cream soups, mashed potatoes, bananas, avocados, and similar foods. Make sure your house is stocked with enough soft foods to get you through a few days. You can make a couple of soups and freeze them in individual containers to make warming them up as easy as possible.
Eat Your Favorite Food
Since you may have to restrict your diet, you should consider treating yourself to your favorite hard food the day before your procedure. This can make it easier to change your diet for a few days after.
Pick Up Necessary Medications
Some dentists may prescribe necessary antibiotics before your surgery, which will allow you to get them the day before. But even if your prescription medications are not available ahead of time, you can still pick up non-prescription painkillers to make sure you are comfortable after your procedure.
Confirm Your Ride
If you will undergo sedation for the procedure, you should arrange for someone to pick you up from your appointment and drive you to the pharmacy (if necessary) and home. The day before your appointment, make sure they are still available and remind them of their commitment to ensure you are not stranded at the dentist's office. Keep in mind that some people only need local anesthesia without sedation for implants. If this is the case for you, you will not need to arrange a ride home, but you will still likely be more comfortable with someone else driving.
Try to relax and get a good night's sleep the evening before your appointment. This will help ensure your body is ready for the procedure and can make you more comfortable during the actual placement.
Small preparations before your appointment can help ease your mind during the implant placement and make your recovery more comfortable. If you are unsure of what you need to do before your appointment, discuss it with a dental clinic like Gallery Dental. They will be able to give you specific details regarding your procedure.