What Is Cosmetic Dentistry, And Why Is It Good For Patients?

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Cosmetic dentistry involves different types of dental services that are often performed for cosmetic reasons. For example, if a person loses a tooth, they could get a dental implant. The dental implant procedure is considered a cosmetic dental procedure because it will eliminate insecurities about the missing tooth while helping a person feel more confident when smiling. It is one of several services that cosmetic dentists can offer to those who would like to make their teeth look even better because they would like to smile with confidence.

What Are the Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

Certain cosmetic dental procedures are quite common. Not only do celebrities have these procedures performed, but all kinds of people have them done if they want to drastically alter and improve the look of their teeth. These different procedures include:

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Implants
  • Veneers
  • Cosmetic Bonding

Although these are some of the common cosmetic procedures that people can benefit from, there are plenty of other services that a cosmetic dentist may offer to patients who want to have healthy teeth that look beautiful.

What Is the Purpose of These Different Procedures?

Different cosmetic dental procedures will serve different purposes. It all depends on the needs of the patient who is looking to improve the condition of his or her teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Performed in the office with a safe and effective hydrogen peroxide gel, the teeth whitening procedure can easily lift stains from the teeth, leaving them looking whiter than they have looked in such a long time. Perfect for those looking to get rid of stains left behind from coffee, wine, sauces, and cigarettes, the teeth whitening procedure is pain-free and provides instant results.

Dental Implants

Adult teeth can fall out due to decay, sports accidents, car accidents, and other issues. The perfect solution for a missing tooth is a dental implant that takes the place of the natural tooth while looking completely realistic and matching with all the other teeth.


Perfect for those dealing with multiple imperfections, the veneers cover the natural teeth and may be customized to the patient's liking. They are ideal for those with teeth that are chipped, crooked, discolored, or even too small.

Cosmetic Bonding

When a patient has a chipped tooth and would like to restore the tooth back to its original condition, cosmetic bonding comes in handy. Resin is applied to the tooth and shaped in such a way to fill the tooth in, making it look as if the tooth was never chipped in the first place.

Overall, there are a lot of different cosmetic dental procedures that are offered to patients who want to have teeth that look better. Whether you want whiter teeth, straighter teeth, or even a replacement for a tooth that has fallen out, you can visit a cosmetic dentist at a clinic like Kemper Pond Dental to talk about your concerns and have the right dental work done.
