When Should You Visit A Dentist? 4 Signs You Need To Schedule An Appointment
Dentistry focuses on providing top-notch services that focus on the oral space. As dentists raise awareness through various media, people are slowly becoming more aware of the importance of protecting their teeth. If you have not been visiting a dentist regularly, you could be wondering when is the ideal time to schedule an appointment with a dentist. The following are some signs it's time to head to the dental clinic.
1. When It Has Been a While Since You Had a Dental Checkup
Although often overlooked, preventative dental care is crucial for detecting oral problems on time and addressing them. The American Dental Association recommends a dental visit at least once a year for low-risk individuals and more for higher-risk people. People with certain conditions such as diabetes should see their dentists more regularly for preventative care.
During the session, your dentist will examine your teeth to see if there are any underlying conditions. Professional dental cleanings are also highly recommended to eliminate tartar and plaque.
2. When You Have Sensitive Teeth
Do you feel a sharp pain in your mouth every time you sip hot coffee or drink a cold beverage? Hypersensitivity could be caused by wearing enamel or chipped teeth. The nerve endings in your tooth's structure respond by producing some sharp pain after being exposed to extreme temperatures.
If you have noticed this, schedule an appointment with the dentist to help you determine the cause of sensitivity in your teeth. Your dentist will also find an appropriate treatment for you.
3. When You Snore in Your Sleep
Snoring when sleeping may be a common phenomenon, but it can be frustrating and uncomfortable for you and your spouse. The condition is often referred to as sleep apnea and can sometimes force you to produce choking and gasping sounds when sleeping.
The condition often occurs when your upper airways in the throat and nose are blocked. This prevents seamless breathing and can disrupt your sleeping patterns. Your dentist can examine your condition and recommend an oral appliance to help you manage the condition better.
4. When You Have Been Grinding Teeth
You may find yourself grinding teeth involuntarily. Dentists refer to this condition as bruxism. If you wake up to an unexplained sore or stiff jaw, you could be grinding teeth involuntarily. You might want to see a dentist who will examine your teeth and provide the perfect solution for bruxism.
Are you experiencing any of these signs discussed above? It is time to pick your phone and schedule an appointment with a dentist. The earlier you take action, the better for you.